Perfect Quotes
- Fear is the foundation of most governments.John Adams
– Global Maps –
There are many similarities in both lifestyle and political leanings between the United States and Canada. The North American Map took those similarities into account and sought regions that were compatible. In turn, the New Republic (NR) map of North American is based on the United States (NR) map, plus incorporates the Canadian Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and two territories. In the end, the western region of Canada was selected because the region’s economy is natural resourced based, plus it connects to Alaska. By connecting Alaska to the New Republic, the immense wealth of this NEW nation is beyond imagination. By strengthening global ties and re-negotiating trade, the New Republic would become the dominate world power overnight. By allowing the free market to work as designed, the new nation would grow its middle class, broaden educational opportunities for its youth, protect individual freedoms, and have the means to protect itself from tyrannical nations. If the RED regions of the United States and those in Canada want to uphold free market principles and individual freedoms, the New Republic 2018 Map of North America should be the match that sparks the fires of independence.
To understand the United States (NR) map, look no further than the Electoral College. After losing the Presidential election twice (Gore and Clinton) less Obama, Democrats have aggressively passed legislation in over a dozen BLUE states and D.C., allocating Electoral College votes to the “popular” vote winner. Those blues states as of April, 2019 are California, Colorado, New Mexico, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, Vermont, Delaware, and New York. So why would a state EVER relinquish sovereignty? Because BLUE state doctrine favors a strong centralized government. A majority of RED states on the other hand, believe in STATE sovereignty and self governance. These RED states also adhere to traditional values, and believe the Constitution was written to restrain the federal government. The remaining states that are not specifically designated on the United States (NR) map are located in territories. Those states are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and parts of Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Florida. The New Republic 2018 Map of the United States is hopefully a vision of what should be….
Utilizing Presidential voting patterns and county lines, New Republic 2018 Maps created the Territory map to shed light on the territories known as the Great Lakes Territory and the Northeast Territory. Both regions of the country have a consistent pattern of voting urban BLUE, plus both territories have the means of self reliance. New Republic 2018 Maps encourages the Great Lakes Territory to declare itself a sovereign nation, or better yet, petition the government of Canada to become a “new” Canadian Province. The Northeast Territory on the other hand, should immediately separate from the UNION and become a sovereign nation, too. It’s time these territories SEPARATE, so the remaining states can preserve individual freedoms, and free market capitalism.
The new nation of Cascadia is an environmentalist-socialist paradise.. second to none! Once formed, urbanites can immediately outlaw all use of fossil fuels, offer free health care and college tuition, implement open borders to the world, tax evil corporations, and move “Burning Man” to the coast. Wikipedia states, “The main objectives stated by the (Cascadia) movements, include environmentalism, bioregionalism, privacy, civil liberties and freedom, increased regional integration, and local food networks and economies”. If socialism is the preferred method of governance, then both Seattle and Portland need to seek separation and declare their independence.
– Cross Border Box Maps –
Some years ago, a 72 year old farmer from the town of La Grande, Oregon, was elevated to national status when he called for parts of Oregon and Washington to join Idaho. His reasoning was that the urban cities of both states controlled all the seats of power. Wherein, small rural communities like La Grande had little to no voice in the State Legislature or Congress. The story carried for a few weeks then faded. Media coverage may have faded, but (NR) picked up the mantel and designed a map that encompassed several Oregon counties and all of central and southern Idaho. The northern counties of Idaho were not included, but can be found on a (NR) map titled (Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho – Cross Border map section). Between the two maps, the farmer’s wishes were fulfilled! If the rural parts of Washington and Oregon were to ever break away and align with Idaho, the South Idaho map is a guide worth noting.
The State of Jefferson has its root going back to the early 1900’s. In those days, logging, mining, and fishing sustained most of the communities throughout Northern California and Southern Oregon. As the East started to industrialized, the West remained natural resource based. The road systems we enjoy today are nothing like the dirt roads of yesteryear. As trade was common and necessary between the states, winter hampered most travel. Communities throughout the region demanded that their respective states remedy the winter snows, but limited resources caused little resolve. As such, a number of counties decide to form their own state, called the State of Jefferson. As the rift widened, locals took control of border roads and fought with authorities. The Second World War came along and patriotism outweighed uprising, simmered secession. Today, the idea of a state called “Jefferson” is left in the hands of historians and a few interest groups. The (NR) Jefferson map took into account the original counties of Jefferson, then added a few more in California based on Presidential voting patterns. With the current state of California going the way of socialism and bankruptcy, the State of Jefferson could rise from the ashes once again.
The rift between the north and south regions of Idaho is long and historic. State legislators from the northern counties call the road south to Capital the “goat” trail. For anyone who has driven the goat trail, there are some stretches that fit the bill. It seems that every few decades, secession is floated in the halls of the Idaho State Legislature. Though the state remains intact, the natives can tell you that they live in three separate states with a common name, i.e. Greater Boise in the southwest, the Mormon dominated counties in the east, and the northern region from Lewiston to the Canadian border. Northern Idahoan will tell you they have a greater kinship with their Washington cousin, than their southern brother. With the close proximity of two colleges (University of Idaho and Washington State) the threads are far more intertwined than brother Boise cares to admit. The East Washington/North Idaho (NR) map is representative of the commonalities enjoyed by both states, and would most certainly save Eastern Washington from its progressive/socialist sister in Olympia.
– New State Maps –
By most measures, California has already distanced itself from the Union. For example, California in recent years implemented new voting guidelines that allowed only the “top” two vote getters in the primary, to have their names on the general ballot. The new guidelines did exactly what Democrats wanted…the formation of a one party state. In addition to voting changes, a majority of California schools and universities are unabashed “left” indoctrinators. Like other BLUE states, California labels itself a sanctuary state and refuses to turn over criminal aliens to federal authorities. With all that is BLUE in the state, it’s surprising the number of RED counties in the central region and north to Oregon. Over the years, a number of individuals have attempted to redraw state lines. Yet none of their maps used voting patterns combined with existing county lines. If the RED counties of California hope to survive the coming state debt crisis and a socialist agenda, they need to separate NOW.
Colorado has continued to transform politically since the 2004 Presidential election. In more recent elections, Colorado has moved from purple to BLUE. The western half of Colorado is now a mixture of RED and BLUE counties, with no distinct pattern. Central Colorado has always been a BLUE haven, but the east region of Colorado remains steadfastly RED. Some years back (2013) a group of folks floated the idea of splitting Colorado, and forming the new state of North Colorado. Some RED counties took up the cause, while others remained neutral. As the state continues to slide further into the pockets of the Democratic Party, the eastern region of Colorado needs to separate posthaste.
Iowa counties in the east region have been known to vacillate back and forth between RED and BLUE. The western and central regions though are consistently RED with only one small pocket of dissenting blue. The Iowa (NR) map is representative of voting patterns that have remained consistent over a period of elections. Iowa is currently RED, but can lean BLUE during contentious elections.
Illinois is dominated on every political level by “Chicago” politics. The Illinois (NR) map is based on consistent county voting patterns going back to the 2012 Presidential election. Though a majority of counties voted for President Trump in 2016, the population of Greater Chicago overwhelms the rest of the state. The map image is from Wikipedia and county results of the 2016 Presidential election. All shades of RED voted for Trump, while all shades of BLUE voted for Clinton. The Illinois (NR) map took into account voting consistency, geography, and economic viability.
The Maryland-District of Columbia map is the only (NR) map that includes flags. The map itself was designed after five western counties in Maryland pursued secession in 2013. Even though the five counties were the initial target for a split, research showed that RED counties up and down the Chesapeake Bay deserved to be split off, too. If the state was to separate, it only made sense to help the District of Columbia finally become a state of its own. By combining the Greater Baltimore area and a number of Maryland BLUE counties heading south to Virginia, a District of Columbia map starts to take shape. Unfortunately, land mass remained a concern. (NR) solved the land mass problem by adding some Virginia counties just south of the Capital. The District of Columbia as shown on the (NR) map demands attention, as does the new state boundaries of Maryland.
Note: (NR) used Wyoming, the least populated state in the Union, as the benchmark for a minimum state population. In 2017 the population of Wyoming was 579,315. The five western counties in Maryland had close to 600,000 in 2013 according to news sources, but lacked sufficient land mass to afford a diverse economy. As a rule, for any (NR) STATE to be considered for a split, the NEW state needs a combined population of at least 570,000, sufficient land mass, and a sustainable-diverse economy.
Oregon is the poster child of why rural counties need to break away from their urban cousins. After Reagan won the state in 1984, all subsequent Presidential elections have been won by Democrats. With all the BLUE wins, it might be surprising to know that a majority of counties in Oregon are RED. For example, Clinton won the state in 2016, but carried only 8 of 36 counties. The small cluster of BLUE counties are ALL located in the northwest region of the state. The cities of Portland, Salem, and Eugene control the state “the Chicago way“. With few variations, a majority of Oregon counties have remained RED for several elections. Yet, the Democrats as of 2018 control the State Legislature, the Governorship, both U.S Senate seats, and four of five U.S House seats. So who speaks for the RED counties and rural communities? Maybe it’s time Oregonians start a serious discussion about splitting the state, so rural communities finally have a voice.
Note: In 2019, the state Democrats floated a bill in the Legislature lowering the voting age from 18 to 16. During the same legislative secession, the Oregon Senate voted 17-12 to eliminate the Electoral College. These ploys by the Democrats are designed to bolster power and voting numbers for 2020…. and beyond. By all measure, Oregon is already a one party state. Apparently, total dominance is not enough.
If Oregon is the poster child of why rural counties need to break away from urban policies, Washington is a close second. The State of Washington affords two distinct geographical landscapes and two separate economies. The heavily populated BLUE counties surrounding Puget Sound are steeped in old growth forests and akin to the Pacific Ocean. Whereas the east side of the Cascade Mountain Range tapers downward and forms an open agricultural landscape. The Puget Sound area is home to Seattle, Boeing, tech companies, and environmentalists. The eastern half of the state is home to John Deere, church on Sunday, the 2nd Amendment, and the City of Spokane. As of 2018, Democrats control the Governorship, the State Legislature, both U.S Senate seats, and 7 of 11 U.S House seats. Needless to say, it’s time to form the NEW state of Eastern Washington, if rural communities want representation and a seat at the table.
– Regional Maps –
The California/Nevada map gives those interested in California a better overview of the entire state once separated. The (NR) California map by itself was not able to expand further south due to format. For those who have an interest in Nevada more specifically, it’s probable (NR) will design a Nevada map in the future. Note: A Nevada map of the future will likely “not” include the county that contains Las Vegas, which means the Raiders could once again become a California (Calexit) team. Go Raiders!
The Colorado-New Mexico map is one of (NR’s) earlier maps. It has remained on the website because it gives a glimpse of 2012 Presidential voting patterns. A year after the 2012 election, the Denver Post wrote, “A plan to carve off the northeastern corner of the state, and form (North Colorado) was hatched at a Colorado Counties conference in 2013.” The North Colorado movement had legs for a few years but ended in defeat. Prior to the 2016 election, Colorado could have realistically separated into three states (2 RED, 1 BLUE). After the 2016 election though, only an eastern region split remained viable….(See Colorado – New State – section, represents an accurate 2016 two state split)
New Mexico on the other hand, had a different set of map issues. New Mexico is a mixture of tribal lands, deep BLUE cities like Albuquerque and Santa Fe, plus a large cluster of RED counties in the east. Through the years, the eastern counties have remained steadfastly RED, but low population numbers remained troublesome. Skeptics of a state split would also tout a marginal economic base for eastern counties. But, those who live in the east region of New Mexico will say…. “we are fine, so damn well leave us and the space ALIENS alone”. Yep, Roswell is located in the RED county of Chaves!
The Washington-Oregon (NR) map is the “everyone’s a winner” map. On the west side of the Cascades, you have the newly formed country of Cascadia; an environmentalist-socialist paradise second to none! Once formed, urbanites can immediately outlaw all use of fossil fuels, offer free health care and college tuition, implement open borders to the world, tax evil corporations, and move “Burning Man” to the coast. On the other side of the mountain range, the State’s of Washington and Oregon can repeal state laws that suffocated rural communities, seek open market policies, fair trade, lower taxes, freedom of religion, school choice, conceal carry, and drug testing for welfare recipients.
Note: Cascadia is not as far-fetched as one might think. The movement is active and bi-regional to include Canada and Northwest United States. Wikipedia states, “The main objectives stated by the (Cascadia) movement include environmentalism, bioregionalism, privacy, civil liberties and freedom, increased regional integration, and local food networks and economies”. “You win, we all win”