United States Map
To understand the United States (NR) map, look no further than the Electoral College. After losing the Presidential election twice (Gore and Clinton) less Obama, Democrats have aggressively passed legislation in over a dozen BLUE states and D.C., allocating Electoral College votes to the “popular” vote winner. Those blues states as of April, 2019 are California, Colorado, New Mexico, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, Vermont, Delaware, and New York. So why would a state EVER relinquish sovereignty? Because BLUE state doctrine favors a strong centralized government. A majority of RED states on the other hand, believe in STATE sovereignty and self governance. These RED states also adhere to traditional values, and believe the Constitution was written to restrain the federal government. The remaining states that are not specifically designated on the United States (NR) map are located in territories. Those states are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and parts of Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Florida. The New Republic 2018 Map of the United States is hopefully a vision of what should be….